Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Personal Expression Project

My personal expression project I spent a large amount of time on.
Explanation: The type face was mainly a playful one, representing the type of person I am. This picture shows a change in my characteristics through time, with some of the basic words that describe me on the right, progressing to the more unique side of me on the left, my characteristics that set me apart more from others. The color gradient compliments this change as well, from the plain, basic, pure white to yellow, a color which represents joy and excitement. The pattern on the gradient also changes, from the normal square, into a square with rounded edges, all the way into the unique circle. The picture of me playing the trumpet and the word coming out of it is large because I feel as if it represents a big part of my life at the time. Playing music has brought out some of the great qualities I posses now.

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