Friday, October 28, 2011

Jack O Lantern

My pumpkin created in Adobe Illustrator, to fit the current holiday!  This pumpkin turned out to be one of the hardest projects yet, with many new tools, layer manipulating, and right plain things the computer doesn't like to cooperate about. If I had to narrow it down, I must say the hardest part was the pumpkin body along with it's shading and highlights. To get them to work you had to change the opacity and blending modes of almost everything, which was troublesome when I had to put my pumpkin in front of a background, because it's blending mode was set to be semi-transparent. This was fixed by saving the pumpkin by itself as a GIF and placing the picture of it on top of another Illustrator file, the background. The background was fun to make, using a linear gradient and a return to the symbol sprayer and manipulators. I'm happy with the way it turned out, and that I was able to finish it on time!

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