Friday, October 28, 2011

Jack O Lantern

My pumpkin created in Adobe Illustrator, to fit the current holiday!  This pumpkin turned out to be one of the hardest projects yet, with many new tools, layer manipulating, and right plain things the computer doesn't like to cooperate about. If I had to narrow it down, I must say the hardest part was the pumpkin body along with it's shading and highlights. To get them to work you had to change the opacity and blending modes of almost everything, which was troublesome when I had to put my pumpkin in front of a background, because it's blending mode was set to be semi-transparent. This was fixed by saving the pumpkin by itself as a GIF and placing the picture of it on top of another Illustrator file, the background. The background was fun to make, using a linear gradient and a return to the symbol sprayer and manipulators. I'm happy with the way it turned out, and that I was able to finish it on time!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Flower in vase

This is a flower inside a 3D-looking vase created in Adobe Illustrator. The flower itself was easy, using the pen tool and gradients. The vase was made by making half of it with the pen tool, then in effects selecting 3D rotation and adding two light sources. Then a flower symbol I created was used as a map art on the surface of the vase.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Personal Expression Project

My personal expression project I spent a large amount of time on.
Explanation: The type face was mainly a playful one, representing the type of person I am. This picture shows a change in my characteristics through time, with some of the basic words that describe me on the right, progressing to the more unique side of me on the left, my characteristics that set me apart more from others. The color gradient compliments this change as well, from the plain, basic, pure white to yellow, a color which represents joy and excitement. The pattern on the gradient also changes, from the normal square, into a square with rounded edges, all the way into the unique circle. The picture of me playing the trumpet and the word coming out of it is large because I feel as if it represents a big part of my life at the time. Playing music has brought out some of the great qualities I posses now.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Type of a path

This section was all about typing on created paths. The ones of my name were changed through the Type on a Path Options,  such as effect, path alignment, flipping, and spacing. The Pillow pet one is typed on two different circle paths, created around the dolphin. My name in rainbow was distorted through creating a rectangle around it, then selecting them both for an envelope distort. I was then able to change each corner.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Live Trace Tutorial

This is my final product after following the Live Trace tutorial in Adobe Illustrator. This tutorial was harder than  most others before, and used lots of new tools and skills. The hardest part was probably manipulated the gradient blue circle, and the transparent boxes with in, they didn't want to cooperate part of the time. The font used in the tutorial was not on our computers either, so I used a grungy-enough text for "snowboard". The blue and green swooshes were also a little awkward-looking at the curves, but I was able to smooth them out. It was a lot of work to make, but the more work put in, the greater the outcome is!