Friday, September 30, 2011

Personal Image Trace

This is the original Harvey- Davidson sign that I decided I would trace, because I like it's design, colors, and company.

This is my final product of the sign traced. The easiest part was making the boxes in the middle, with the rectangle tool. When I started adding text, was when it got difficult. The actual text in the original sign could not be found, so I found the closest one possible, and still edited the anchors of each letter to match more closely to the original. The word "motor" started out using real letters, and manipulating the anchors to create the stretch, but could not be done on the "O"'s, which I used the pen tool to create. Every letter in "Cycles" was created through the pen tool, because that of course would make it look closest to exact, over trying to use stretched out letters. The curved shapes on top and bottom, each line was done with the pen tool, filled in, and played around with which ones go in front and behind to make it look right. As a final touch, I used a glyph for the "R" symbol in the bottom-right corner. Once again, this was a fun tutorial for me, and I feel like I've learned Image Tracing well.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Image Tracing Tutorial

This is a shot of the original Las Vegas sign, which I have used as a template to recreate  the sign  in Adobe Illustrator.  It was set as a template then put down to 35% opacity so I could work over it.

The first step to creating this sign was the elongated diamond, which was simple just  by making a rectangle, rotating it, and stretching the points to the sides. Making the top and bottom come to a point instead of curve was done by creating points at the top and bottom, and deleting the curved points next to them. Creating the lightbulbs around it may look hard, but was actually very simple. I makde one lightbulb with an oval and black rectangle, along with a white strip with no fill under it, to help later when they go on the sign. I used the pattern brush options to make lightbulbs into a pattern, which put them on the sign simply by selecting it's outline. The words were done with the type tool, getting the right fonts, sizes, colors, and manipulating the correct kerning and leading inbetween. For the welcome sign, one sphere was made to match the size of the original, then was transformed into six copies and moved to be barely touching at the ends. "Welcome" was written then I clicked "create lines" to be able to move each letter on it's own, to be put in the center of each circle. That's basically all that was done, this was my favorite tutorial so far, and I enjoyed recreating this sign!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Quote - Revisited

This is my personal qoute, after I recieved input from my peers on how the original looked. The main problem I was told about for my first one was the size, and contrast to background, which I fixed through blog settings, and also making the fonts bigger. The next thing to fix, was over-all blandness of the quote. Originally, only "three" and "Leonardo da Vinci" were different colors, and different fonts. I decided to not only emphasize "three", but also how each type of person "sees". The first person sees automatically, so I used light blue as a color that represents tranquility, softness, understanding, and basically peace. The second type of person sees with help, so I decided green would fit, because it represents harmony, and emotional healing. Lastly, the third type of person does not see, which is why red was used, to underline hard feelings like rage, and evoke emotion in the reading. Leonardo and "three" are in purple which represents royalty, symbolizing power and nobility, which I thought would make the perfect emphasis on those two important things. The color also goes well with this cursive font, as majestic. I used the same alignment, with small adjustments such as decreasing the leading between lines slightly, becuase the feedback on the layout of the quote was well.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Glyph Monster

This was the original picture I will use to create my glyph monster...

This is the final glyph monster of Pikachu! I used all kinds of letters, glyphs, and symbols, with many different sizes, rotations, and reflections. This was all done in Adobe Illustrator, as a part of our Typography section in class.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Word Project

This is my one word project, using the word cut. I used the knife tool and create border tools to create this effect in Adobe Illustrator!

Friday, September 9, 2011

My Typography Quote

This is a quote I found by Leonardo da Vinci, which  was meaningful to me. I used color, size and font to emphasize parts of it, such as three, and his name. The element of line is also here, with the indented edges of each sentence, your mind makes it look like a straight line is connecting them.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life Quote

This was our first tutorial in Graphic Design, exploring Typography in Adobe Illustrator. All this was done using the selection and type tools. Emphasized in this tutorial was how different these few words could be displayed. All from changing font, size, color, and style, this can change how people reading interpret what this quote means.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pen Practice

Today in Graphic Design we practiced tracing shapes and lines with the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator!