Thursday, May 30, 2013

Spring Final

So I basically died of stress during this final. Thanks Mrs. Klein. Especially those last 20 minutes when none of the rendering was working. For example, the window was supposed to have black around the moon, because it is night time. You can see the black in the reflection on the floor, but not straight through the window. I added a moon to the scene, thanks to my knowledge learned from the Alleyway scene.

I added a flame to the candle, done by fluid and emitter manipulation. Also added a wine bottle next to the goblet, originally to pour wine into it until I spent too long trying to get wine to work out and had to switch animation ideas. You can see the plate flying off the table in the background. And that darn white outside the window, still don't know where it came from.

Yaaaaaaay for moons. And eerie light reflections on the marble floor, which I textured.

I also textured the stones and wall behind them. The plate can be seen on the floor, after it falls.

Playblast of the plate flying off the table by.... MAGIC. 

Have a great summer!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Personal Project Compiled

It was pretty stressful to do everything in just two weeks - it may not look like much, but it does take a large amount of time for most aspects of it. Glad it's completed, and glad to have had such a fun year in animation. Best regards, Salty my old pal.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2 Week Animation - Models

Salty's lonely house, which happens to look like Domo.

Salty's got glass doors on his house, because he's fancy.

In the middle of the doors opening.

His disguise glasses make sure people don't know his secret identity.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Salty Final Video

After months... Salty is complete. You were a good seal. If only you were better at your circus career, maybe we could have spent more time together. But you dropped your ball, so I can spend no longer with you. Goodbye Salty.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Salty - All Textures

Whole scene

Salty throwing the ball up

Awwwh, he dropped it. Poor Salty.

Salty's pretty emotional.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Salty - Environment (No Textures)

Stage sans texture. Initial lighting. There will be water in front of the platform Salty is on.

I enjoyed making the overlapping colored lights and spot lights in the background, I thought they really contributed to the scene!

View from the front to see the screen background flat. Excited to get it all textured!
Salty dropped his ball, and now he's sad.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Salty - Initial Animation

The tutorial had us playblast the animation, as it would not look as good rendered out due to no lighting yet. This ball was pretty frustrating, and the the ball would not cooperate with having two different point constraints for a few days. Then I fixed it on accident! Timing is slow, will be fixed. On to the environment! Very end of the ball bounce won't be seen in the final scene, so that is why it doesn't continue bouncing less and less high.