Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tape and Curl

Curl effect done with warp under transparency. Then a drop shadow was added. That's me in the center if you couldn't tell.
Using the tape effect. Tape was semi-difficult to get to look right, but after getting it right the only other aspect of the tutorial was drop shadows, which were easy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Makeover Your Face

Original picture
Changed picture. Very fun to see how different you can make yourself look (to the extent of still being believable) with just a little time of Photoshop manipulation! I especially love being able to change eye color and clearing up skin.
Marked up picture showing where changes were made. Helps pointing out the smaller differences such as the smaller nose, which was only slightly changed and may not be noticed unless examined very closely.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Makeover Tutorial #6 - Skin Tone

Before - cheeks and nose are overexposed

After - the overexposed areas of face look much more clear. Really like this effect,  makes the skin look much more clear

Makeover Tutorial #5 - Wrinkle Removal


After - used the healing brush tool which used a source, a much more effective way to remove wrinkles than by using just  the spot healing brush tool.

Makeover Tutorial #4 - Whiten Teeth

After - used a brush layer with the blending mode set to dodge, really made the teeth look bright.

Makeover Tutorial #3 - Eye Makeup


After - used different brushes. The eyeliner part was frustrating to make it look good. The eye shadow was simple though.

Makeover Tutorial #2 - Change Hair Color


After - used the quick mask mode, hardest part was getting an effective selection of the curls of hair to make it look realistic.

Makeover Tutorial #1 - Modifying Nose


After - used the pinch tool, very simple