Friday, August 26, 2011

10 and 3

The best way to start off anything, with my favorite University, A&M! I want to go there for College, because they're a really good school. They also have a great Marching Band, that's always fun to watch.
Balance -- Symmetrical on both sides of the field
Emphasis, color -- The green stands out from the maroon in the stands
Pattern -- With the far row of seats, the lines are in a pattern, and all slightly angled

I really like pictures of animals. The colors of this picture also look crisp and clear, with greens and browns which makes me feel energetic. It's also the perfect picture moment this photographer captured, with wings open, right about to fly away.
Movement --It feels as if the bird is about to take off, because it's wings are fully open
Color -- The bright green pops out from the neutral brown background
Pattern -- In the tail feathers and wings 

Nature can be so beautiful, and even more beautiful when it's captured on camera. I really like the lense flare coming from the sun, that makes a warm, dark red color. This cactus plant right next to the sun, is also getting just the right amount of light, but not so much that you see it's colors.
Emphasis -- lens flare emphasizes the sun, and draws your eyes towards it
Color -- The yellow sun is a feeling of happiness, and the rest are all warm colors
Proportion -- The cactus is closer, so it looks very large in comparison to the sun

Science is one of my interests, and a subject I do well in. The precise moment a volcano erupts, it can  be a beautiful sight to see, but very dangerous. I like it for that reason, that it's a great sight of nature, but at the same time a devastation force.
Movement -- The eruption makes it feel like the lava is flowing down the mountainside
Color -- Red gives off anger and passion, mixed with the yellow overwhelmingness
Emphasis -- Of course the very bright eruption brings emphasis to it

I'm not going to lie, I'm a pyromaniac! It's just so much fun for me to play with fire, matches, anything. It's also interesting how it can vary in these colors that all go together, instead the normal yellow-orange.
Space -- your eyes are drawn to the negative space, but since nothing is there go back to the fire
Colors -- all fit together, like they blend and mix in-between
Movement -- I can feel a slight flickering in the flames

Fruit is something I eat everyday I can. Pineapple is my favorite, strawberries which are also in this, come in a close second. This photogenic treat looks very tasty and appeals to my sense.
Texture -- the coarse crust seen
Rhythm, Repetition -- the bums and hills of the crust
Emphasis -- Emphasis is on the front of the picture, because the back is unfocused 

Holloween is a very fun time of year for me. It's great fun dressing up as something you're not for one night, and having random people give you candy. This picture gives the feeling of darkness and the fear Halloween can be centered around, with this angry jack-o-lantern and it's dark background.
Texture -- of the pumpkin skin, very grainy
Proportion -- There is one large pumpkin, and a few small ones
Pattern - a tile pattern is seen on the floor under the pumpkin

When I was smaller, I was obsessed with magic tricks. I bought so many sets and tricks, and would show my friends because I loved the amazement and unknowing of how I did what I did, that I could see in their faces. This black and white in this picture represents how much of a classic trick this is, the old rabbit out of hat trick!
Color -- the first thing noticed about this is the black and white, positive and negative color
Rhythm -- The background is a gradation, light at the bottom, getting darker at the top
Emphasis -- brought to the rabbit by the black of the hat, and opposite, white of the rabbit

As I said earlier, I'm interested in Science. Astronomy was one of my favorite subjects, because of the beauty of other galaxies, and stars. It's amazing that so many stars, so far away, can make these abstract forms and shapes.
Point -- With all the stars, your mind tries to connect them, and see a relationship making it look like a spiral
Shape -- The spiral is a feeling of safety
Movement -- Since it's a spiral, it almost feels as if it's spinning around 

Last, but not least, is the instrument I play, the trumpet. This pictures shows the very cleanliness and smoothness of a trumpet. The purple light mixing with the gold trumpet also sends a groovy vibe type feeling.
Texture -- to me, I can see the trumpet and image the brass, smooth feel of it
Lines -- the many horizontal lines in this picture give a feeling of rest
 Colors -- Both the yellow, happy, and the blue, coolness, combine for an even better feeling

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