Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pattern creation in Illustrator

This pattern was created in Illustrator based on one brush. I  rotated and reflected the pattern until it looked good as one square. I then made it a swash, filled the rectangle with that swash, and scaled the pattern down.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Foundation Logo

Variations for the logo for Foundations, incorporating the letters CIA to stand for Character, Integrity, and Accountability.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Business Card

This is my business card for my Graphic Design business. The cubes were added on the background for a slight sense of movement, and also filler space for the card.

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Logos - Ideas

These are a few variations of ideas for my Graphic Design company logo. I'm leaning towards the one in the center, but the two on the left look appealing as well. If you have any feedback please let me know in the comments, they would be greatly appreciated in which ones you like and why.
In the end I picked this as my final logo. Reasons behind this were it's simplicity yet emphasis on architectural structure. One of the things I wanted the logo to say was how precise it was, and this is a very sturdy logo. The red also captures attention and stands out, and the logo is still legible when scaled down. Being still effective at gray scale is also a priority, which it is.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just For Fun: Safari Icon

In my spare time I followed a tutorial on recreating the Safari logo, because it looked cool. I really like how it turned out! The hardest part was using a triangle pattern for the tick marks around the inside to line up and be just the right number, but through trial-and-error and messing with scaling, I got them to line up perfectly!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Extra Logo Creation - IM Icon

This is the Instant Messenger-type icon, creating in Illustrator, following a tutorial. It was pretty fun to make, and I'm happy with how they turned out! This was done while waiting to get my personal logo packet back, to give more experience in creating logos.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mesh Lyrics

This is my mesh artwork with lyrics based on a tutorial. The lyrics I used are from a song called Turning Tables by Adele, and I picked a font to match what the lyrics were, which was graceful and elegant. But that's all on the surface, as the font along with light blue colors of magestic-ness and peace represent, along with the smooth wave the first line is. But as it gets deeper the colors get darker, and there are more contortions and imperfections leading to the red color of anger. These lyrics are peaceful on the surface, but have a fire of bad feelings raging under the words themselves.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Memorable Logo Creation

This was made following a tutorial for creative logo making. The hardest part was definitely getting objects to go together with each other, and having them being hidden at certain places such as the a hiding under the z. Or getting the r to go through the o, but over the next a. It was accomplished however, through creating more things such as white objects and very heavy use of changing things around in the layers panel.